Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 is the sixth instalment in the Ultimate Ninja series, announced as an exclusive title for the PlayStation Portable.
The game features 4-player local multi-player battles, as well as characters from the Itachi Pursuit Mission, including Sasuke and the members of Hebi. It also features a team techniques, like Naruto and Jiraiya perform Rasengan at the same time. It includes a story arc designed by Cyberconnect2 that is unique to this game, as well as a regular one that follows the Naruto Shippūden storyline and one that follows Sasuke’s story and also was game-exclusive arc called Filler Story Mode, a continuation of previous arc. It has 50 playable characters, however pre-timeskip characters are not available.
A demo of the game has been released on May 4th, 2010 and it’s available on PlayStation Network. The demo features 4 playable characters, Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, Pain, and Konan), three stages and two game modes. One of them is Free Battle Mode and the other is Wireless Battle Mode. In Free Battle Mode the player can fight against CPU. In Wireless Battle Mode, the player can fight another player via Ad-Hoc.
Size: 1,1 GB